From selfies to sunsets, paddocks to plateaus, carrot patches to pumpkin smashing, here’s a top 10 that may well break the internet. Remember to tag us! Ready, set, shoot!
1. Farm gates – it’s the essence of Eat Local Week; try Running Creek Beef, Tommerup’s Dairy Farm and the NEW Scenic Rim Farm Box Shop, as well as our famous Winter Harvest Festival!
2. Camel selfie – but beware because the Summer Land Camels also like to steal smooches!

3. The perfect sunset – share your best sunset shot from Milford Country Cottages, The Overflow Estate 1895 or Mt Barney Lodge!
4. Carrot Selfie – given the Scenic Rim produces 600 million carrots, we’re sure you’ll find one that suits! There’s the famous Kalfresh Carrot Day, and you’ll also find them on menus, in icecream, beer, cake and you can even meet the life-sized Crunchy with Moffatt Fresh Produce at the Winter Harvest Festival.

5. Alpaca & Petals selfie – take the cutest selfie ever, while on a picnic in the petals at Pretty Produce with your very own personal alpaca. Not kidding!
6. Food envy – from creations by superchef Josh Lopez at our special Decade of Delicious – 10th Anniversary Dinner, to the Roaming Degustation at Homage, The Long Lunch at Kooroomba,
the Country Heart & Soul Dinner at Running Creek Beef and all in between, the options are endless (remember your charger!!).

7. Lambs, pigs, goats & cows – the Scenic Rim is home to the most adorable baby animals. Head to Towri Sheep Cheeses, Tommerup’s Dairy Farm, and Running Creek Beef.
8. Scenic road shops – celebrate the spaces between tastes! There’s long winding roads, spectacular mountaintops, paddocks of green, running creeks and beautiful roadside stops. Find out more at

9. Scenic sips – sip, smile and snap at Witches Falls Winery, Mason Wines, Sarabah Estate, O’Reilly’s Canungra Valley Vineyards, The Overflow Estate 1895, Tamborine Mountain Distillery and the Scenic Rim Brewery.
10. Tractors – the Kalbar & District Community Bank Tractor Pulling Competition @ the Winter Harvest Festival on Saturday July 3 is simply brilliant!