Love a local beer?

Drop into the new Scenic Rim Brewery at Mt Alford during Eat Local Week for a unique beer experience.

Brewer Mike Webster and his wife Wendy will be there to welcome you and share their love of craft beer and hearty food.

Book into one of these events:

June 24: Brewing Day, 8am to 4pm
Brewery tour? Mike and Wendy will go one better. Drop in and see, smell and taste their signature brews.

June 25: The Brewing Process, 11am
Book in for a boutique tour of the facility and learn how Mike brews his beers. Price includes a paddle of beers.

June 25: The History of Beer, 1pm
Learn more about how beer brewing has developed over the years

June 25: We Owe it to the Ladies, 3pm
Discover the strong influence women have had on the brewing industry over time

June 28: Beer & Beef night, 6.30pm
Enjoy a hearty meal on a winter’s night. Wendy will prepare beef from The Butcher Co. and Mike will serve the beer.

Find out more and make a booking