Where to buy local produce in the Scenic Rim
If you are a local producer in the Scenic Rim, sell directly to the public and would like to be listed here, please send us an email at info@eatlocalmonth.com.au
Delivered to Your Door
Check the websites of the listed providers to confirm delivery to your postcode.
Scenic Rim Farm Box
Supporting 50+ local producers and businesses, click here to view the list.
0429 452 637 / scenicrimfarmbox.com.au
Summer Land Camels
(07) 5467 1707 / summerlandcamels.com.au
Valley Pride Produce
0423 943 988 / valley-pride-produce.myshopify.com
Beer, Wine & Spirits
Refer to the list below for beer, wine and spirit makers in region. Most offer on-line purchase and delivery – check their individual websites for details.
Weekly and Monthly Fresh Finds
Experience the richness of fresh, local, and seasonal produce at the various open day and pop-up stall events hosted by these local producers, occurring on a weekly or monthly basis.
Fifth Acre: Pop-up Stall
Every Saturday & Sunday located at Scenic Rim Farm Shop and Café’s Vintage Cow Shed (Closed over December & January)
5thacre@gmail.com / instagram.com/fifthacre
The Green Shed
Sundays 7am-11am
0447 960 070 / facebook.com/tamborinemountaingreenshed
Towri Growers Market
First Saturday of every month
0403 463 429 / towrisheepcheeses.com.au
Fruit and Veg Stockists
Boonah Fruit Supply
(07) 5463 1739 / facebook.com/boonah.fruitsupply
Joseph the Greengrocer
(07) 5545 0700
Oppy’s Fruit & Veg
(07) 5463 4502 / oppysfruitandveg.com
Scenic Rim Farmers Market
(07) 5541 1402 / facebook.com/ScenicRimFarmersMarket
Scenic Rim Fruit & Veg
0482 450 696 / scenicrimfruitveg.com.au
Direct from the Farm
While some producers sell directly from their farm gates, it’s important to know that a few have specific opening hours limited to certain days of the week or month. Additionally, some exclusively use Scenic Rim Farm Box to deliver direct to consumers. For the most up-to-date information on securing local produce, we suggest reaching out to these producers for further details.
Christmas Creek Produce
0438 193 167 / christmascreekproduce.com.au
Elderflower Farm
0427 345 528 / elderflowerfarm.com.au
Greenlee Farm
(07) 5543 4021 / greenleefarm.com.au
Jasmine Urban Farm
0402 332 172 / jasmineurbanfarm.com
Oaky Creek Farm & Harvest Café
0428 699 180 / oakycreekfarm.com.au
Olive View Estate
0448 168 817 / facebook.com/oliveviewcottage
Rathlogan Olive Grove & Shed Café
0403 163 151 / facebook.com/theshedcaferathdowney
Scenic Rim Farm Shop & Cafe
0493 437 220 / scenicrimfarmshop.com.au
Scenic Rim Mushrooms
0422 793 749 / scenicrimmushrooms.com.au
Summer Land Camels
(07) 5467 1707 / summerlandcamels.com.au
Tamborine Cheese Shop
0484 628 877 / tamborinecheese.com
Tommerup’s Dairy Farm
0400 076 556 / tommerupsdairyfarm.com.au
Towri Sheep Cheeses
0403 463 429 / towrisheepcheeses.com.au
4Real Milk
0448 887 844 / 4realmilk.com.au
Meat and Poultry
Elite Meats, Boonah
(07) 5463 1058
Heits Butcher, Beaudesert
(07) 5541 2600 / facebook.com/HeitsQualityMeats
The Butcher Co.
(07) 5463 8551 / facebook.com/people/The-Butcher-Co-Boonah/100087499814884
Tommerup’s Dairy Farm
0400 076 556 / tommerupsdairyfarm.com.au
Beer, Wine and Spirits
Barney Creek Vineyard
(07) 5544 3285 / barneycreekcottages.com.au
Bunjurgen Estate Vineyard
0417 638 736 / bunjurgenestate.com.au
Cauldron Distillery
(07) 5545 0156 / cauldrondistillery.com.au
Cedar Creek Estate Vineyard & Winery
(07) 5545 1666 / cedarcreekestate.com.au
Fortitude Brewery Co
(07) 5545 4273 / fortitudebrewing.com.au
Kooroomba Winery & Lavender Farm
(07) 5463 0022 / kooroomba.com.au
O’Reilly’s Canungra Valley Vineyards
(07) 5543 4011 / oreillys.com.au/canungra-valley-vineyards
Sarabah Estate Vineyard
(07) 5543 4746 / sarabahestate.com.au
Scenic Rim Brewery
(07) 5463 0412 / scenicrimbrewery.com.au
Tamborine Mountain Distillery
(07) 5545 3452 / tamborinemountaindistillery.com
The Overflow Estate 1895
0455 221 895 / theoverflowestate1895.com.au
Witches Falls Winery
(07) 5545 2609 / witchesfalls.com.au